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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Wouk up and smelled the coffee..

After Alaska I was thinking about what to read next. Should I start Hawaii or try another author? My sweet hubby, best friend and literary soul-mate suggested The Winds of War by Herman Wouk. I took his advice: now I'm more than 100 pages into the novel and I'm hooked. "Winds" is one of 18 novels Wouk composed between 1945 and 1980 and is the second in a series. The main character is a WWII naval attache in Berlin. I remember the ABC miniseries back in '83 got lots of publicity and critical acclaim. Unlike Michener, all of the characters in Wouk's story are fiction, with only references to historical individuals like Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin for obvious reasons. The clandestine activities of Victor Henry and his family, the Jastrow's and the Tudsbury's are not based on those of any particular historical figure, although I'm sure they could be. The story has piqued my interest in the period so I've ordered two books from Abebooks (each under $4.00), one on German history and another about the Treaty of Versailles. Admittedly, my knowledge of this period of history is shameful, so I aim to educate myself, and enjoy a good romance novel in the meantime.

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